Disney's Tangled: Rapunzel Realizes She's the Lost Princess
:Movie Events
Landed a drop light from heaven on Earth and grew an astonishing flower fall place her ability to heal people of any illness befell him and who knows where this flower an old woman named ghothl (or Gotham) and nowhere near there arose a Kingdom, ruled by two Kings are good and the Queen bore their first child but got sick very sick and King Search for that flower but old man didn't want to take her because she was use to maintain her youth by singing a song for her and tried to stop them from taking the flower, but it hasn't worked and cured the Queen thanks flower power and the King and Queen of beautiful girl with blond hair and call it robonzlBut evil woman didn't let the girl alone as they broke into the Palace and approached the girl and lit up her golden hair color, women regained something of her youth, when she tried to cut a lock of the child's hair to keep it discolored the tress and golden brown color is impossible to kidnap the octogenarian The girl and took her to the Tower, away from the eyes and raise her as her own daughter and meanwhile looking for the King and Queen on their daughter and launch every year on her birthday (as they did the day she was born) mdier lights in the sky and rbonzl little girl watching her from the tower and wish to know and see it up close. Eighteen years later, rbonzl still live in the tower with her pet, which is a chameleon named Pascal
Although robonzl was happy and secure is inside the Tower, not as long as I looked to see the outside world. I asked robonzl of gothl allowed to see floating lights on her birthday, but gothl denied her request, saying that the world is full of people who want to robonzl hair capabilities for themselves. Meanwhile, a group of thieves led by Flynn rider Wu stole the Crown lost Princess of the Castle. Then abandoned Flynn about his partners and decided to hide in a tower, Rapunzel, who after his grandfather. During the chase the thieves ripped off a horse called the Guard Commander Maximus and continued to find Flynn on his own. When Flynn Tower, the robonzl hit him over the head, lost consciousness, and then imprisoned him in the closet and hid the Crown who was with Flynn.
And here begins the adventures of robonzl and out of the Castle, we follow the film together to learn about other events